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Zombie Preparation

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Zombie Preparation

4 posters

    The Survival Guide


    Posts : 7
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    Location : Imagination Land

    The Survival Guide Empty The Survival Guide

    Post  Zombie Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:10 pm

    A quick guide made by yours truly to help survive.
    Alright..lets face it zombies means weapons which involved guns and such we'll discuss what and what Not to take with you here.
    Say You had a choice between a handgun and a grenade launcher, what do you take......, Take the handgun, grenade launchers are heavy, Heavy Equals weight heavy weight on someone slows them down and you don't need fantastic math skills for this.
    Weight + You =You being Slow + Zombies =Dead
    The amount of weapons someone should take is limited by how much they can hold and carry like all survival horror games they should mostly consist of 3 types of weapons
    -Handgun (1 or 2)
    -Shotgun Or Rifle Or Machine gun
    -A type of Melee weapon such as a knife
    Weapons P2
    Alright lets say your near an area where you cant use weapons or you just don't have any.
    Usually you'll be grabbing a melee weapon such as a kitchen Knife golf club or a bat Long melee weapons are recommended however there are disadvantages, such as.Long melee weapons are great for avoiding close combat, however they can bend, or break easily. lets face it even with a metal bat you'll be swinging like hell trying to make the undead turn dead again, that could result in your weapon being bent or broken with no further use.
    Short melee weapons such as a knife can be help due to them being short, and have a less chance of breaking, however your limited to a higher risk of infection, and you'll most likely have a one hit chance to kill them to learn where to hit scroll down to,
    "How to Kill A Zombie" and turn over to that thread Linked.
    One of the various usually forgotten rules to survive, avoid loud fire arms or weapons such as a chainsaw.Look out for more quiet
    weapons. Honestly your near lets say 2 zombies.
    and they haven't noticed you do you really wanna use a chainsaw and allow them to Hear YOU?
    Need something that can reduce infection or if someone gets harmed? Try getting a small medi kit or first aid kit, but reduce some of the items inside, don't carry the whole packed thing for a couple of reasons such as,
    -You may find things along the way you can fit inside the kit
    Carry along about 2 infection reducing items such as,
    -Cloth (Yes clothed can be used as a treatment for wrapping above, or below your or someones wounded areas. Another would be,
    Ointment or alcohol.(No...Not beer...or wine...and so on)
    Burning alcohol to reduce the infected area.
    Lets face it you'll be with someone during the outbreak.
    Tag along with about 2-3 people don't ever! Join a large group!
    A large group is a death trap One gets infected, then another does. In groups be sure get to know your team mates specialties
    Whether it'd be a doctor Thief Or such.Teams are critical in this situation because you need someone to cover your back, and they need someone to cover theres.
    Do's and Dont's
    Never! approach a large group as posted above groups can kill...or atleast give you some type of affection.

    Near a horde? Don't hide in Small Areas like the corner store, hide somewhere large but stick together and never split up.

    See an opening to escape? Never take that chance, if your attacked by a horde with your team mates and see a chance to escape (Alone) Never do it, unless there already bitten and or dieing or if there dead....ish...

    Don't make loud sounds even the dead can hear!....oddly..
    Beware of your surroundings see glass? don't step on it, see cars? don't shoot them.

    Stay just outside the lighting when outside!
    Okay so turning night, and you need somewhere to rest for the night and you look around, suddenly! you see a lamp post and zombies around. step around the lamps light, even the dead can see.
    How to Kill A zombie
    For this i refer you to a thread already created on here:
    >>How To Kill A Zombie<<
    The Escape
    This was obviously foreseen There are mulit ways to escape, for example if the citys NOT! blocked off heres ways to escape.
    -Radio Contact-->Rescue Confirmed
    -Nearest High Way
    -To where ever (As in...keep heading east till your out of the city)

    If the city is blocked off try,
    -Radio Contact-->Rescue Confirmed

    Quarantined? You have a 5%/100% To survive this.
    Your only options would be,
    -Try to Locate A sewage Port
    -Subway If Possible
    -Radio Contact-->Rescue Confirmed
    -Hold out
    * Find a safe place like in say the movie dawn of dead find a area that you can lock yourselves in until help Arrives(50% chance of Not Coming at all)
    Its risk it or lose it choice when deciding where to go.
    To be Continued
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    To help you survive and stay alive!
    [zP]Bub The Zombie
    [zP]Bub The Zombie

    Posts : 9
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    Age : 30

    The Survival Guide Empty Re: The Survival Guide

    Post  [zP]Bub The Zombie Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:10 am

    this doesn't look like your own work Surprised

    Posts : 7
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    Location : Imagination Land

    The Survival Guide Empty Re: The Survival Guide

    Post  Zombie Wed Oct 07, 2009 11:04 am

    [zP]Bub The Zombie wrote:this doesn't look like your own work Surprised
    It is my own work.
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng

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    The Survival Guide Empty Re: The Survival Guide

    Post  [zP] R3ck0n1ng Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:31 pm

    Stay the hell out of the sewers. That's probably where a lot of other people will try to escape as well. Theres WAAAAY more risks than benefits. Such as:
    1. You can't see down there. It's dark as FUCK.
    2. You could get lost.
    3. You could drown.
    4. They could see the zombies in the sewers and flood them and you would drown in RAW SEWAGE.
    5. If your ammuntion gets wet, it's like using a wet match. 'bout 75% chance that it will never work again due to flattened gunpowder. (trust me I know all about wet shells)
    6. You could get sick or trenchfoot from being down there. And due to the crisis, you would probably be unable to recive medical care and die slowly, painfully, and needlesly.
    Sorry not trying to discourage your work but I just wanted to point out why the sewers ere suck a horrible, horrible idea.

    Posts : 97
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    The Survival Guide Empty Re: The Survival Guide

    Post  CG62 Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:33 pm

    Reminds me of the French Tunnelmen in WWZ.

    But yeah, cool shit. Just remember to take into consideration that Zack (Yeah, I'm using that to refer to the undead now) probably won't be there for a few days. More like a few years. Also, nature herself is against you.

    [zP] R3ck0n1ng
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng

    Posts : 120
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    Location : Lakewood

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    Post  [zP] R3ck0n1ng Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:34 pm

    CG62 wrote:Reminds me of the French Tunnelmen in WWZ.

    But yeah, cool shit. Just remember to take into consideration that Zack (Yeah, I'm using that to refer to the undead now) probably won't be there for a few days. More like a few years. Also, nature herself is against you.

    Those guys got fuckin' screwed over so bad.

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