Zombie Preparation

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Zombie Preparation

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Zombie Preparation

3 posters

    Survival plan

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    Post  shirokishi Wed Oct 07, 2009 6:13 am

    Here you will see my idea of a survival plan for the goverment.

    what do you need:

    - A large building in a mountain capable of suriving nuclear blasts with 1 main entrance and 1 or 2 escape routes in the event that zombies will breach the building so people can escape to another temporary settlement.

    - A defensive line of about 100-150 meters wich contains:
    - Turrets remotely controlled from the building set up each 25 meters until 100-150 meters from the main entrance.
    - Motion Sensors
    - camara's (to determin if it are zombies who are coming or survivors)
    - A minefield incase there are alot of zombies and the turrets can't handle them.

    - Helicopters to extract survivors and helicopters to move people to the temporary settlement.
    - Nervegas inside the building to clear it out when zombies take the building.
    - A lot of Supplies (Food, water etc.)

    - A temporary settlement with a defensive line of 50-75 meters wich also contains turrets set up at each 25 meters and landmines
    - supplies for the temporary settlement.
    - Gasmasks
    - Guns
    - A shitload of gasoline
    - A shitload of ammunition
    - A shitload of landmines
    - Tactical mini Nukes to clear the world of zombies in the scenario that zombies won't starve to death
    - Dog's to sniff out the people who are infected but haven't turned into a zombie yet (Thx to [zP]R3ck0n1ng)

    All of this ofcourse needs to be made right now just to be sure we survive a zombie rampage.

    Last edited by shirokishi on Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  CG62 Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:01 pm

    shirokishi wrote: -Nervegas inside the building to clear it out when zombies take the building.

    I dunno what kinda zombies you subscribe to, but 90% of zombies aren't affected by nerve gas.

    shirokishi wrote:
    -Tactical mini Nukes to clear the world of zombies in the scenario that zombies won't starve to death

    Once again, 90% of zombies eat simply because it's pure instinct for human beings to eat. This instinct transfers to the zombies. So it's more of a decay type thing.
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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  shirokishi Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:18 pm

    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote: -Nervegas inside the building to clear it out when zombies take the building.

    I dunno what kinda zombies you subscribe to, but 90% of zombies aren't affected by nerve gas.

    shirokishi wrote:
    -Tactical mini Nukes to clear the world of zombies in the scenario that zombies won't starve to death

    Once again, 90% of zombies eat simply because it's pure instinct for human beings to eat. This instinct transfers to the zombies. So it's more of a decay type thing.

    one thing about your reaction on the nerve gas when you destroy a zombies head it disallowes the brain to contact with the rest in simple talk and nervegas does the same it kills NERVES and NERVES are essential to any living creature, zombie's or NOT to live.

    And for the tactical mini nuke thing; i just like to blow stuff up so...

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    Post  CG62 Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:29 pm

    Zombies aren't living creatures though Smile


    I just realized that there's an instance of chemical use against zombies in World War Z, though it was to kill an assload of refugees to find which ones were bitten (they reanimated)
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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  shirokishi Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:38 pm

    CG62 wrote:Zombies aren't living creatures though Smile


    I just realized that there's an instance of chemical use against zombies in World War Z, though it was to kill an assload of refugees to find which ones were bitten (they reanimated)

    zombies aren't undead and when they are reanimated doesn't mean they can't die from nervegas

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    Post  CG62 Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:53 pm

    it might incapacitate the FUCK out of them, but they would be, in a sense, still "alive".

    The brain would still be active in most zombies (By most I mean Romero/Solanum zombies, which make up a good portion of zombies these days). Also, nerve gas works by entering the body and using the blood stream as a transportation system. Sooo... most zombies (once again, basing off of Romero/Solanum) have no circulatory activity whatsoever, so it might be an incredibly localized effect (I.E., Respiration ends (so no more moaning)).

    The best thing to do would just to be to release an assload of napalm into the facility and ignite it some way. It might not completely destroy the undead, but it'd be enough to make it easily clearable.
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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  shirokishi Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:48 am

    CG62 wrote:it might incapacitate the FUCK out of them, but they would be, in a sense, still "alive".

    The brain would still be active in most zombies (By most I mean Romero/Solanum zombies, which make up a good portion of zombies these days). Also, nerve gas works by entering the body and using the blood stream as a transportation system. Sooo... most zombies (once again, basing off of Romero/Solanum) have no circulatory activity whatsoever, so it might be an incredibly localized effect (I.E., Respiration ends (so no more moaning)).

    The best thing to do would just to be to release an assload of napalm into the facility and ignite it some way. It might not completely destroy the undead, but it'd be enough to make it easily clearable.

    oh for christ sake man don't try to talk your way out with that kind of bullshit from now on in every topic in every post we are talking about the zombies from DAWN THE DEAD these zombie's make the most sense and are not friggin indestructable cus that's a load of bullshit

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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  CG62 Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:20 pm

    Dawn of the Dead zombies are Romero zombies, seeing as Dawn of the Dead was made by Mr. Romero.
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng

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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  [zP] R3ck0n1ng Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:13 pm

    CG62 wrote:Zombies aren't living creatures though Smile


    I just realized that there's an instance of chemical use against zombies in World War Z, though it was to kill an assload of refugees to find which ones were bitten (they reanimated)
    that book was the shit.
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng

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    Post  [zP] R3ck0n1ng Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:15 pm

    You should also have dogs, because dogs can sniff out infected humans before they turn

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    Post  CG62 Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:30 pm

    [zP] R3ck0n1ng wrote:You should also have dogs, because dogs can sniff out infected humans before they turn

    Sniffer dogs ftw. Just make sure they're properly trained. As seen in most horror movies, animals have a natural fear of the undead.
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng

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    Post  [zP] R3ck0n1ng Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:33 pm

    yeah. and if they sniff out infected, have NO mercy. If that means killing a family of six, babies and all, do it. You'll save the lives of twice as many.
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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  shirokishi Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:41 pm

    CG62 wrote:it might incapacitate the FUCK out of them, but they would be, in a sense, still "alive".

    The brain would still be active in most zombies (By most I mean Romero/Solanum zombies, which make up a good portion of zombies these days). Also, nerve gas works by entering the body and using the blood stream as a transportation system. Sooo... most zombies (once again, basing off of Romero/Solanum) have no circulatory activity whatsoever, so it might be an incredibly localized effect (I.E., Respiration ends (so no more moaning)).

    The best thing to do would just to be to release an assload of napalm into the facility and ignite it some way. It might not completely destroy the undead, but it'd be enough to make it easily clearable.

    How would you know they have no circulatory activity cus that's in my oppinion another load of crap and btw it isn't described ANYWHERE that they have no circulatory activity

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    Post  CG62 Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:57 pm

    Romero never really described that much about his zombies. But apparently they don't, because they cannot bleed out (crawlers, missing limbs, etc.), and solanum zombies have no circulatory activity as stated by the book.
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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  shirokishi Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:59 pm

    CG62 wrote:Romero never really described that much about his zombies. But apparently they don't, because they cannot bleed out (crawlers, missing limbs, etc.), and solanum zombies have no circulatory activity as stated by the book.
    i'm talking about the Dawn of the dead zombie's not solanum's zombie's because MR.romano's zombie's seem more likely to exist then solanum's

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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  CG62 Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:38 pm

    CG62 wrote:Romero never really described that much about his zombies. But apparently they don't, because they cannot bleed out (crawlers, missing limbs, etc.).

    Solanum zombies and Romero zombies are actually one in the same, in every regard save for that Solanum was thought up by Max Brooks, and that Solanum is better explained.

    In all actuality, however, the Solanum virus is a highly realistic thing.
    -It converts the Frontal lobe into a self-sufficient organ with only the most basic of thought processes remaining (walking, eating, etc.)

    -It disables the immune system when it finally causes the death of the infected, making zombies susceptible to rot.

    -It disables the circulatory system, seeing as the body no longer requires blood.

    -It doesn't disable the respiratory system, because it is an instinct of human beings to breathe.
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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  shirokishi Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:03 am

    CG62 wrote:
    CG62 wrote:Romero never really described that much about his zombies. But apparently they don't, because they cannot bleed out (crawlers, missing limbs, etc.).

    Solanum zombies and Romero zombies are actually one in the same, in every regard save for that Solanum was thought up by Max Brooks, and that Solanum is better explained.

    In all actuality, however, the Solanum virus is a highly realistic thing.
    -It converts the Frontal lobe into a self-sufficient organ with only the most basic of thought processes remaining (walking, eating, etc.)

    -It disables the immune system when it finally causes the death of the infected, making zombies susceptible to rot.

    -It disables the circulatory system, seeing as the body no longer requires blood.

    -It doesn't disable the respiratory system, because it is an instinct of human beings to breathe.

    I still think this is bullshit even though solanum discribed it in his book it's still bullshit and how to fuck would you know that the dawn of the dead zombie's are similar? YOU CAN'T COMPARE A BOOK TO A MOVIE

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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  CG62 Sun Oct 11, 2009 1:30 pm

    shirokishi wrote: how to fuck would you know that the dawn of the dead zombie's are similar?

    Solanum zombies are derivative of Romero's zombies. Infact, Mr. Brooks states at the end of World War Z that his zombies are heavily inspired by Romero's.

    shirokishi wrote:it's still bullshit


    shirokishi wrote: YOU CAN'T COMPARE A BOOK TO A MOVIE

    Au Contraire, both are plot driven devices of entertainment. The only difference is one is text-based, the other image-based.
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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  shirokishi Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:31 pm

    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote: how to fuck would you know that the dawn of the dead zombie's are similar?

    Solanum zombies are derivative of Romero's zombies. Infact, Mr. Brooks states at the end of World War Z that his zombies are heavily inspired by Romero's.

    shirokishi wrote:it's still bullshit


    shirokishi wrote: YOU CAN'T COMPARE A BOOK TO A MOVIE

    Au Contraire, both are plot driven devices of entertainment. The only difference is one is text-based, the other image-based.

    from now on everything you say is bullshit cus a zombie isn't indestructible, it has circulatory activity and can die from nervegas haha.

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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  CG62 Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:33 pm

    shirokishi wrote:
    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote: how to fuck would you know that the dawn of the dead zombie's are similar?

    Solanum zombies are derivative of Romero's zombies. Infact, Mr. Brooks states at the end of World War Z that his zombies are heavily inspired by Romero's.

    shirokishi wrote:it's still bullshit


    shirokishi wrote: YOU CAN'T COMPARE A BOOK TO A MOVIE

    Au Contraire, both are plot driven devices of entertainment. The only difference is one is text-based, the other image-based.

    from now on everything you say is bullshit cus a zombie isn't indestructible, it has circulatory activity and can die from nervegas haha.

    Apparently I'm winning this argument. Only a cornered person would resort to such neolithic insults.
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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  shirokishi Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:35 pm

    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote:
    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote: how to fuck would you know that the dawn of the dead zombie's are similar?

    Solanum zombies are derivative of Romero's zombies. Infact, Mr. Brooks states at the end of World War Z that his zombies are heavily inspired by Romero's.

    shirokishi wrote:it's still bullshit


    shirokishi wrote: YOU CAN'T COMPARE A BOOK TO A MOVIE

    Au Contraire, both are plot driven devices of entertainment. The only difference is one is text-based, the other image-based.

    from now on everything you say is bullshit cus a zombie isn't indestructible, it has circulatory activity and can die from nervegas haha.

    Apparently I'm winning this argument. Only a cornered person would resort to such neolithic insults.
    btw books are fictional so they are most likely to be false on most things

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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  CG62 Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:40 pm

    shirokishi wrote:
    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote:
    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote: how to fuck would you know that the dawn of the dead zombie's are similar?

    Solanum zombies are derivative of Romero's zombies. Infact, Mr. Brooks states at the end of World War Z that his zombies are heavily inspired by Romero's.

    shirokishi wrote:it's still bullshit


    shirokishi wrote: YOU CAN'T COMPARE A BOOK TO A MOVIE

    Au Contraire, both are plot driven devices of entertainment. The only difference is one is text-based, the other image-based.

    from now on everything you say is bullshit cus a zombie isn't indestructible, it has circulatory activity and can die from nervegas haha.

    Apparently I'm winning this argument. Only a cornered person would resort to such neolithic insults.
    btw books are fictional so they are most likely to be false on most things

    So you're saying zombies AREN'T FICTIONAL!?
    So I suppose Santa and the Easter Bunny are all gonna start popping up now too.
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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  shirokishi Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:11 pm

    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote:
    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote:
    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote: how to fuck would you know that the dawn of the dead zombie's are similar?

    Solanum zombies are derivative of Romero's zombies. Infact, Mr. Brooks states at the end of World War Z that his zombies are heavily inspired by Romero's.

    shirokishi wrote:it's still bullshit


    shirokishi wrote: YOU CAN'T COMPARE A BOOK TO A MOVIE

    Au Contraire, both are plot driven devices of entertainment. The only difference is one is text-based, the other image-based.

    from now on everything you say is bullshit cus a zombie isn't indestructible, it has circulatory activity and can die from nervegas haha.

    Apparently I'm winning this argument. Only a cornered person would resort to such neolithic insults.
    btw books are fictional so they are most likely to be false on most things

    So you're saying zombies AREN'T FICTIONAL!?
    So I suppose Santa and the Easter Bunny are all gonna start popping up now too.

    yea they are gonna start popping out your ass

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    Survival plan Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  CG62 Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:14 pm

    shirokishi wrote:
    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote:
    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote:
    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote: how to fuck would you know that the dawn of the dead zombie's are similar?

    Solanum zombies are derivative of Romero's zombies. Infact, Mr. Brooks states at the end of World War Z that his zombies are heavily inspired by Romero's.

    shirokishi wrote:it's still bullshit


    shirokishi wrote: YOU CAN'T COMPARE A BOOK TO A MOVIE

    Au Contraire, both are plot driven devices of entertainment. The only difference is one is text-based, the other image-based.

    from now on everything you say is bullshit cus a zombie isn't indestructible, it has circulatory activity and can die from nervegas haha.

    Apparently I'm winning this argument. Only a cornered person would resort to such neolithic insults.
    btw books are fictional so they are most likely to be false on most things

    So you're saying zombies AREN'T FICTIONAL!?
    So I suppose Santa and the Easter Bunny are all gonna start popping up now too.

    yea they are gonna start popping out your ass

    did anyone actually find that funny or witty?

    You know what, I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and say I won, considering that you have yet to respond to my question.
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng

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    Post  [zP] R3ck0n1ng Sun Oct 11, 2009 11:13 pm

    I don't know what's more sad. Shiro actually resorting to such a childish insult, Or, the fact that Shiro just got mentally bitch-slapped by someone at least ten years younger than him...

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