Zombie Preparation

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Zombie Preparation

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[Zombies Preparation]

Zombie Preparation

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Zombie Preparation

3 posters

    Survival plan

    Private First Class
    Private First Class

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2009-10-02

    Survival plan - Page 2 Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  shirokishi Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:37 am

    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote:
    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote:
    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote:
    CG62 wrote:
    shirokishi wrote: how to fuck would you know that the dawn of the dead zombie's are similar?

    Solanum zombies are derivative of Romero's zombies. Infact, Mr. Brooks states at the end of World War Z that his zombies are heavily inspired by Romero's.

    shirokishi wrote:it's still bullshit


    shirokishi wrote: YOU CAN'T COMPARE A BOOK TO A MOVIE

    Au Contraire, both are plot driven devices of entertainment. The only difference is one is text-based, the other image-based.

    from now on everything you say is bullshit cus a zombie isn't indestructible, it has circulatory activity and can die from nervegas haha.

    Apparently I'm winning this argument. Only a cornered person would resort to such neolithic insults.
    btw books are fictional so they are most likely to be false on most things

    So you're saying zombies AREN'T FICTIONAL!?
    So I suppose Santa and the Easter Bunny are all gonna start popping up now too.

    yea they are gonna start popping out your ass

    did anyone actually find that funny or witty?

    You know what, I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and say I won, considering that you have yet to respond to my question.
    we'll my reaction was just a reaction to your reaction both ridiculous. ofcourse zombies are fictional but have you wondered how many diffrent versions there are? i never wondered we can discuss on and on about if they have circulatory activity or not but the truth is because they are fictional we can both say whatever we want about a friggin zombie wich makes us both not right but not wrong either and even tough you got all that from solanum's book doesn't mean he's right but he ain't wrong either.
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng

    Posts : 120
    Join date : 2009-10-02
    Location : Lakewood

    Survival plan - Page 2 Empty Re: Survival plan

    Post  [zP] R3ck0n1ng Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:56 pm

    Puncuation is your friend!!! But yeah good point.

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