Zombie Preparation

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Zombie Preparation

Are you prepare for a Zombie outbreak we are

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[Zombies Preparation]

Zombie Preparation

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Zombie Preparation

2 posters

    Full metal base (MineCraft)


    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2009-10-05

    Full metal base (MineCraft) Empty Full metal base (MineCraft)

    Post  CG62 Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:51 pm

    Allow me to present to you quite possibly the most survivable base ever built in MineCraft:

    Full metal base (MineCraft) Surviv10


    Built of iron and gold, this base can survive anything the undead horde can throw at it (I say undead because most of the enemies in minecraft are undead).

    Full metal base (MineCraft) Surviv11

    The main entrance. The undead have an unfortunate (for them) inability to dive, so this small underwater route into the base is zombie-proof.

    Full metal base (MineCraft) Surviv12

    After surfacing and climbing a small flight of stairs, you enter the first floor, the ground level. No windows here because skeletons can shoot arrows.

    Full metal base (MineCraft) Surviv13

    The second floor, this one is still under construction. This floor has windows so that I can dispatch enemies below me, but because of it's angle skeletons cannot easily hit me through them.

    Full metal base (MineCraft) Surviv14

    Every now and then, a spider will make a lucky jump and make it ashore. This happens so rarely, though, that building up the embankment would be a waste of resources.

    Full metal base (MineCraft) Surviv19

    A few zombies trying to make it ashore.

    Full metal base (MineCraft) Surviv20

    A close call with a creeper prompted me to build this stone wall around my mineshaft here. Creepers explode when they die. You can see the blast crater underwater.

    Full metal base (MineCraft) Surviv21

    An assload of creepers. I shat myself when I saw them.

    Full metal base (MineCraft) Surviv22

    Aftermath of that uber creeper battle.

    Full metal base (MineCraft) Surviv23

    The base from afar. Notice the pretty rain effects.

    After all of this was said and done, I finished the second floor and started construction on a third floor. Then I swam back outside to see if any spiders had made it ashore. A creeper horde had spawned on the island, and after I killed one they chain-reaction exploded and killed me. Rolling Eyes
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng

    Posts : 120
    Join date : 2009-10-02
    Location : Lakewood

    Full metal base (MineCraft) Empty Re: Full metal base (MineCraft)

    Post  [zP] R3ck0n1ng Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:17 pm

    Is this game free? If so, where can I get it?

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