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Zombie Preparation

5 posters

    I just don't get it...

    [zP] R3ck0n1ng
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng

    Posts : 120
    Join date : 2009-10-02
    Location : Lakewood

    I just don't get it... Empty I just don't get it...

    Post  [zP] R3ck0n1ng Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:21 pm

    Why do kids think they have a bad life just because they don't have the newest shit? I grew up without a fucking tv for Christ's sake... I just don't get it...

    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2009-10-05

    I just don't get it... Empty Re: I just don't get it...

    Post  CG62 Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:02 am

    [zP] R3ck0n1ng wrote:Why do kids think they have a bad life just because they don't have the newest shit? I grew up without a fucking tv for Christ's sake... I just don't get it...

    I used to be that way.

    Now, I don't even want anything for christmas, aside from a bit of parts for my computer, L4D2, and a gas mask for epic wins.

    I actually prefer older shit, to be honest. The older it is, the better crafted and thought out is until you reach a point of critical mass (which begins shortly before the Medieval period)
    [zP]Bub The Zombie
    [zP]Bub The Zombie

    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2009-10-02
    Age : 30

    I just don't get it... Empty Re: I just don't get it...

    Post  [zP]Bub The Zombie Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:24 am

    [zP] R3ck0n1ng wrote:Why do kids think they have a bad life just because they don't have the newest shit? I grew up without a fucking tv for Christ's sake... I just don't get it...

    im guessing this is about my "MAH LAIF SUX KKTHXBAI" thread...but thats not exactly my problem...honestly the only thing i want is a computer that can run left 4 dead with medium-high graphics, and a few games for the ps3/wii, (Demon's Souls, Monster Hunter[cantremembersubname], LoTR:Conquest, Uncharted2, and GH5/vanhalen) but i can live with a shit computer that can only really run Bauldur's Gate and ps1 games(emulators ftw)...lately i've been playing Tales of Phantasia(ps1), Kingdom Hearts1/2(ps2) and im almost done with phantasia so im gonna start Tales of The Abyss/Symphonia(Ps2/gamecube)...(GREAT SERIES...should try it sometime)

    long post is looooooong

    edit: the shit computer im talking about is my brothers...
    Epic Snail
    Epic Snail

    Posts : 14
    Join date : 2009-10-03
    Age : 29

    I just don't get it... Empty Re: I just don't get it...

    Post  Epic Snail Thu Oct 22, 2009 12:59 pm

    take a look at my post and get over it nobody honestly gives a shit what you have or didnt have because its here now so we are gonna use it :3

    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2009-10-17

    I just don't get it... Empty Re: I just don't get it...

    Post  crazyskullmonk3y Fri Oct 23, 2009 10:41 pm

    And this is why it owns to have no problem with money.


    (lolz.. as I play on my new 1500$ G50v.. and run WoW servers off my Pentium 4 HT 3.4ghz ATI x800 series desktop... lul....) (oh.. and i should get out that kickass server board in my garage... dual quad core xeons with 16G ram.... <intel prototype from the parents.)

    lol stop whining.

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