Zombie Preparation

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[Zombies Preparation]

Zombie Preparation

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Zombie Preparation

4 posters

    Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG!


    Where should Zombies! A P&P RPG take place?

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    Total Votes: 4

    Posts : 97
    Join date : 2009-10-05

    Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG! Empty Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG!

    Post  CG62 Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:45 pm

    Well, text and... text.

    So, here's the deal. I've been looking for a realistic (as in, no M4s lying about and no second chances after a bite) zombie game. I was badly depressed when I found that there WERE NONE!

    So, here's the deal. I'm going to test-run a series of rules and equations for stats, hunger, bite chance, etc. on you guys with this PPRPG. You require no pen, no paper, just a willingness and the ability to check in with this forum every day or two.

    Now, the details:

    You gain skills by doing things related to them.

    -STR: Gained by doing physical activity. Gives more stamina, more carry-weight, reduces recoil, and causes you to deal more damage with melee weapons and unarmed combat

    -DEX: Gained by climbing, dancing, and doing other such activities that require coordination and dexterity. Gives more precision when using firearms, faster run-speed, better climbing ability, and better efficiency in most skills such as carpentry and gunsmithing (along with PER)

    -PER: Gained by (What should I put here): Gives better accuracy with firearms, farther sighting of objects and people/zombies, and better situational awareness (you hear a crack behind you)

    -END: Endurance is gained by doing physical activity, and generally bearing the stress of living in a zombie's world. Gives more stamina, and better mental endurance (insanity!)


    The zombies:

    The zombies of "Zombies!" are of the Solanum variety. That means they're slow, and nearly indestructible (headshots only. Decapitations mean the head is still a threat).


    The setting:

    Still working on this. I'm gonna MS paint a quick map in a bit. Just know that the world is generally in shambles, with the zombies in North America ALONE numbering in the hundreds of millions.


    Characters and Rules:

    Wow this is disorganized, isn't it?



    Name: (whatever you fucking want it to be, within reason)
    Age: (This can actually help your mental endurance based on the current system)
    Gender: (Females are less likely to be killed by raiders, and more likely to be RAEP'd)
    Occupation before infection: (What you did before the outbreak. All remnants of the military are holed up in the Rocky Mountains, defending the refugees smart enough to flee).

    -You cannot control other people's characters
    -No bawwing because you were bitten.
    -No uber characters
    -No uber weapons
    -Zombies ONLY die from headshots.

    Last edited by CG62 on Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG! Empty Re: Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG!

    Post  [zP]TARGET Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:29 pm

    Name: MPB (my initials)
    Age: 18
    Gender: male
    Occupation before infection: astronautical engineer (rocket science,lol)
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng

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    Location : Lakewood

    Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG! Empty Re: Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG!

    Post  [zP] R3ck0n1ng Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:11 pm

    Name: Markus Ironheart
    age: 33
    gender: male
    occupation: U.S. Army 1st batillion "D" Company

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    Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG! Empty Re: Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG!

    Post  CG62 Sun Oct 11, 2009 1:40 pm

    Alright, rather than design my own custom city, I'll grab a map from google earth. So, everyone submit a city that we should be in for this game. I'll pick the best, and open a poll for them.


    My submission.

    Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG! 20a72j6_th

    Montevallo, Alabama (USA)

    EDIT 2:
    Should there be an infected character mechanic (like, you get to play as a zombie), or should I just stop working on that?
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    Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG! Empty Re: Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG!

    Post  [zP]TARGET Tue Oct 13, 2009 3:59 pm

    im sorry butt i have to say this-Washington Dc/ and Berlin for the zombie Nazi

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    Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG! Empty Re: Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG!

    Post  CG62 Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:10 pm

    Gah, keep it small. I don't wanna have to do more than 2-3 screencaps in google earth to make a comprehensive map.
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng

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    Location : Lakewood

    Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG! Empty Re: Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG!

    Post  [zP] R3ck0n1ng Wed Oct 14, 2009 3:55 pm

    Tacoma, Washington
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    Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG! Empty Re: Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG!

    Post  [zP]TARGET Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:47 pm

    dc- from white house to pentagon, Berlin pick a spot.

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    Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG! Empty Re: Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG!

    Post  CG62 Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:01 pm

    Edited OP to include Poll.

    Vote assholes.

    Posts : 6
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    Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG! Empty Re: Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG!

    Post  Bopzx Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:20 pm

    Name: Seth Mariochickenburger
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Occupation before infection: A Nigger swat team man person thing
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng
    [zP] R3ck0n1ng

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    Location : Lakewood

    Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG! Empty Re: Zombies! A Pen and paper RPG!

    Post  [zP] R3ck0n1ng Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:20 pm

    Tacoma is winning!!!

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