Zombie Preparation

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Zombie Preparation

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Zombie Preparation

    Zombie Preparation Information


    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2009-09-19
    Age : 36
    Location : California

    Zombie Preparation Information Empty Zombie Preparation Information

    Post  Down Sat Sep 19, 2009 6:57 pm

    "In this day and age, there are a lot of things to worry about: Did I leave the oven on? Am I going to drive off a bridge today? Is my house tornado-proof?

    Now, I do think it’s important not to get too worked up about the things in life that can go wrong; after all, there are lots of ‘em and we just can’t control them all. A general preparedness, though, is what’s in order.

    One worry that, frankly, I think gets overlooked, is zombies. They’re out there, they’re milling around, just waiting. Waiting. You know what happens after something is done waiting, right? It attacks.

    So in the spirit of preparedness on this lovely, here is a question:

    If zombies were to attack where is the safest place to hide?

    I’m really relieved to see that some Zombie Preparation community contributors share my belief in preparedness because there have been quite a few suggestions offered as to what the safest place to hide is:

    * Some form of armored vehicle.
    * A large boat or ship would be perfect.
    * A house with double glazing would be fine though, as long as the doors weren’t wooden and single-layered.
    * A castle would be nice, as long as it isn’t Westminster Abbey.

    Excellent suggestions, really. But the thing about preparedness is that you have to look at all the angles. Like, after reading those suggestions, did you think to yourself: What if the zombies themselves wrote them? What if it’s a trap? What if there is no safe place to hide? What if it’s about fighting back? What is your strategy? What if you’re a zombie?"

    First things first, you have to know your enemy. Zombies come in two flavors: fast and slow. Fast are definitely cool, but you'll need more than a baseball bat and a pair of running sneakers to survive that zombie attack. Slow zombies - well why the heck would anyone die from a slow zombie? If you can't get away from a slow zombie, you earned dismemberment.

    Let's suppose that you made it through the first 10 minutes of the zombie-fest, and while most of your town are looking for live flesh to feast on, you're wondering how to hot-wire a car and get out of town. You need a plan of action... Zombie Preparation is our only solution

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